Pengimatonan “Pengimatonan,” an Ibaloi word which means “identity” or “pagkakakilanlan” in Filipino. It serves as the inspiration for a visual art exhibition featuring artists from various regions of the Philippines. These artists...
Marikit “Marikit,” which means “beautiful,” is an all-women group exhibit celebrating the beauty of women inside and out. We invite you to be a witness to the various gems of art created by these women artists of different ages and from...
“I think good art does come from a dark place” – Rick Springfield “Beauty in Darkness,” an art show that features pen and ink artworks by Joey delas Alas and Duane Lucas Pascua. The artworks encompass dark and morbid undertones. Both artists delved into themes...
Luminous. A word that conjures images of brightness and, at the same time, spiritual weight in the hearts and minds of people. In this exhibit, luminosity is emphasized with the use of colors painted on dark canvasses. But these artworks go beyond showing techniques...
“MAHIWIGA” art exhibit by Pinankasakey Artist Circle & Bagi Bolinao Artist Group, unveils a captivating journey into the depths of the unknown. Each piece in this exhibit is a masterful representation of the artist’s interpretation of what is...